Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Vah-Vah-Vah- Boostie'


How bout an immune booster? Are you aware of how simple it truly is to increase your bodies own defenses? Our bodies are imbedded with microorganisms and their soul purpose is to fight against all foreign bodies trying to invade our system. But they become weakened by the poor diets we feed our bodies and the lack of oxygen and exercise to keep our muscles and bones strong, which all in turn keeps our minds fresh, clean, and alert.

Truly what we put in and on our body and mind will either give us life and an abundance of it or kill us and rob us of a long and healthy life, which is promised us in the Scriptures where YaHoVaH declares that man shall live 120 years. Gen. 6:3 And YaHoVaH said, "My Spirit shall not strive with man forever in his going astray. He is flesh, and his days shall be one hundred and twenty years." So what's happened folks? Why aren't we living till we're 120? You already have the answer! So here is a simple tip on how to give yourself a boost and increase your immune functions:

Use our cleansing herbs and bathing techniques then add our Goji juice and E3Live [see our store] to your daily diet. You also can make your own juice by either adding a juiced meal to your daily intake of nutrients or replace a meal with fresh juice of a mixed verity of all vegetables or a mixed verity of all fresh fruits making sure not use a food you know you are allergic to. That's it!
You can use juicing as a meal replacement for dieting or healing or fasting or to just boost your immune system. This is a really great way to increase brain function before a big test or performance and if you know you need to heal from anything, juicing allows your body to take in all the fresh nutrients it could possibly need or want and it does not have to work for it. That's right! Because this is a liquid delivery system, your body just absorbs all the good stuff and your natural defenses take over to fight off any invading foreign bodies. It really is that simple to cleanse and rebuild our bodies to a state of good health that will allow us to live to or closer to the allotted time line our Creator gave us. This is not to say you can drink a juice drink and heal and be well while doing nothing else to improve your life, but it is saying that if you stop doing the wrong things and start doing the right things you will be improving your health. And if we are doing all things right, we will be living it up, up to that 120 years! Because all of our organs internal and external including our brain functions will be in tip top shape all the way to our last breath.
Discoveries in Science mention how it was proven that our bodies were never designed to die. Interesting? Scientists found the smaller intestines never age. The cells just castoff the old and are constantly making new cells. This is how we were designed, to live eternally!
Researchers have traveled long and far to see how people all around our world would measure up to our US lifestyles and they found that the simpler the diet and foods eaten that are indigenous to where the peoples/tribes lived and the closer to the foods natural environment the healthier the tribes' people were.
Also it is not good to go to bed on a full stomach because if your digestive system is not able to digest the food before lying down it will ferment [rot] in your stomach and intestines and cause a alcohol like toxin to flow through your blood system. This can cause you to be or have the feelings of being drunk and cause your brain functions to be slow and unclear. So even if you have never touched alcohol a day in your entire life you are creating an alcohol toxin to run through your blood by not letting your body eliminate before resting. The best thing to do if you need to eat later in the day is to eat lots of fresh fruit because it digests quickly and you can eliminate before going to sleep.
Waking refreshed in the morning can be an invigorating experience and one that you will desire to continue experiencing. Persons of any age can feel the difference from getting a great nights sleep or a poor one. So take some time out to look at your daily habits and see where you can make some simple long lasting and life changing changes. You will be glad you put this knowledge into action.
I must interject something here because I am a vegetarian. It has been proven time and time again that if we will stick to a natural diet given to humanity in the first week of Creation, humanity would not be suffering all these diseases and dieing so early or having to die because of such horrible diseases. When we eat animal and animal by products and then cook our foods we loose the ability to be healthy. Our bodies have to convert the acids and enzines in our stomachs to digest what we are putting in, but if we will Eat raw fresh organic foods streight from our gardens which is the highest quality food we could eat, our bodies are able to obsorb all the fresh living nutreints and enzines that they need to be in perfect health in body and mind, so get as close as you can to this type of diet and you will realize the opportunity to live a longer healthier life and lifestyle.
Children raised on vegetarian diets not only live longer but also grow taller, their bodies mature later, keep their teeth and hair longer, and are stronger, having clearer thinking as well as having extremely high IQ's. So for all those out there that like to "poo poo" on vegetarians just remember we are not only healthier but we're going to live a whole lot longer than those of you who eat an American standard diet will and we will do it with great style, grace, and with an incredible intellect. If I haven't already peaked your interest by now I truly hope this last statement has done so. Because we truly are designed as herbivores but because we practice diets that are designed for carnivores our bodies can't provide us with all that we need to stay in great shape in body and mind. More and more people are learning these truths and are making small adjustments everyday in the hopes of not just living longer lives but to live better lives as well.

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Cough Syrup


Cut up one onion and 2 or more garlic cloves. Put them in a glass or steel pot and cover with honey. Simmer very slowly uncovered for 30 minutes. Let cool a little and strain out the onion and garlic pieces. The onion and garlic can be eaten or used in a meal. Very tasty!

To Use: Use one tablespoon for an adult and one teaspoon for a child as needed. It sooths the cough and helps you sleep. This can be kept in a container in the fridge for 3 or more months, unless the syrup is too thick, in this case just store in a cupboard. Just throw it away when you can tell it is no longer any good. For a tasty usage make a cup of hot water and blend a tablespoon or two into the water and drink. If you like, add some lemon to taste. This is very good for chest colds.

NOTE: if you over cook this recipe and it hardens when you put it into the fridge, just keep it in a covered container in a cabinet. It will keep for a long time this way too.

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Garlic is one of the most loved tools in all healing. I use it best this way.
1. You can cut a small piece and mince it with your fingernail to release the juice, then rub the juice on the arches of the feet of anyone who is over tired or not feeling well.
2. I like to juice a large batch of garlic and then put the pulp and juice together in a covered container, add some lemon juice and olive oil to it and mix well. I can keep this in the fridge for a very long time. I will use a clean knife to pick up some juice and rub the arches of my feet or someone else's feet. What this does is it takes the garlic directly into the blood stream and boosts the immune system. I use it even for a quick pick-me-up when I didn't get enough sleep and I need to be refreshed. Garlic thins the blood so the oxygen will reach your brain quickly and revive you.
3. Take two or three cloves of garlic, minced and cover them with three to five cups of water then simmer for 30 to 45 minutes. Strain and drink this water. You can do this as often as you like. The garlic cloves can be eaten or used in a recipe. [NOTE:For young children just be careful not to over do it. Rub some olive oil on the child's skin first, to prevent skin irritation and do not give too much of the garlic juice at one time to prevent irritation in the childs stomach.] This is the most natural safe ways to bring the body into perfect health.

NOTE: Garlic is a blood thiner so if you have low blood pressure you should talk to your health practitioner before using this technique or any other program.

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Dilute one part Vinegar to two parts water. Make sure the person with the fever is well covered as to not cause a chill. Rub the person down with this mixture being sure that the water stays warm as to not cause a chill. Rub the whole body down. This will cause the fever to break right away. If the fever should continue, just rub the body down again. Always making sure the water mixture is warm and the body is well covered. This is safe for children as well.
You would want to break a fever if the person has convulsions or has dry heaves and causing damage to their body such as stressing the ribs or other body parts. Its said that fevers are the bodies way of destroying the virus and that is true but in some cases such as the above it can be harmful.
My daughter had convulsions when she was very young so I used this for her and it helped her greatly. She is now 18 and there are no adverse effects when she has a fever.

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Cleansing Varieties


Simpli Essential by Nicolette carries it's own brand of cleansing herbs for cleansing the internal system. We specialize in assuring the safety and simplicity of use for any age or state of health. You must be aware of the caution needed whenever doing any internal cleanse even if you are only using lemon juice to cleanse with. If you are not careful as to what you use as well as understanding exactly how to use a cleansing product you can cause an overload of toxins to be released into your bloodstream that can cause you to hallucinate. If you intend to do any internal cleanse other than the one we make at Simpli Essential, you must have a helpmate keeping a watch over you. Without this helpmate you put yourself and others in harms way.This is why we research and test all our products to insure their quality and effectiveness as well as assuring low prices so everyone can afford to take good care of their health. Here are some other simple ways of cleansing externally:
1. Run a bath with very warm to hot water being sure not to make the water to hot that it will cause a burn, mix in a 1/4 to 1 cup of Epson Salts [if you have a larger body size you may need to increase this amount to 2 or more cups of Salts. Simply test each bath to see which amount works best for you]. Immerse your entire body even your head [NOTE: not your face, but you can use a cloth to wash your face to obtain the benefits] in this solution for at least 20 minutes. Be sure to be very cautious when you are standing up as hot water can cause oxygen depletion from your brain causing you to black out. You can use a scrub cloth to scrub your skin from head to toe to remove all the dead skin and impurities accumulated above and below the skin.You will then want to rinse off with warm vinegar water, which is one part vinegar to 3 parts warm water. Just use the cloth to wash off the salt water then rinse off again in a shower with warm water. After this you can wrap in a bathrobe and lie down for a half hour or so and let your body rest. This is a truly refreshing way to cleanse your skin and open your pores to let in some oxygen.
This will also remove toxins from under the surface of your skin and hair. It removes quite a lot of the remnants of stuff that has not been able to be released through your elimination system. Such as if you have ever taken a drug, even those prescribed by Dr's. There are lingering particles that never leave your body. It is so vital to our good health to cleanse at lease twice a year and more if you are currently ill or become ill easily. Once you have cleansed inside and outside your bodies immune system will be better able to fight off any illness even the most deadly. Our bodies are quite resistant if we will allow them to do their jobs by giving our bodies all the right tools and by practicing more healthful behavior to ensure a joy filled life.
2. For a quick external cleanse just use the vinegar water then wash and rinse as above.
3. Water itself is a cleanser so bathing or drinking lots of water will help to cleanse both externally and internally.
4. If you have an acne problem it is because you have a lot of toxins trying to be released. A good scrub cloth and lots of water taken internally will help reduce the acne as well as following all of the above information. Scrubbing the skin with a good abrasive is not going to harm your skin and in fact will help to keep all those tiny little bumps on your arms, legs, and face down while allowing lots of oxygen to penetrate your pores, but do use reason when choosing a scrub cloth. A hand held loofa spoonge are the best I have found to scrub well without tearing your skin.

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Cleansing Baths


Cleansing Baths: Epson Salts
Use 1/2 to 1 cup of Epson Salts to a full hot bath. Soak for at least 20 minutes then rinse off. [Note: once you have had a few baths like this you can increase the amout of Epson Salts by one cup more at a time until you are using a quart or more per bath but do work up to that amount very slowly, because you are detoxing beneath your skin and bring the toxins up to the surfice, so you don't want to over do it too quickly.]You may use a bowl of warm vinegar water to scrub off the salt, which will help to cleanse your skin and open your pores. Use 1/4 cup of clear vinegar to 3 cups of warm to hot water; use a good scrubbing cloth. Scrub your entire body well and then rinse off with clear water.


Epson Salts will draw out toxins and drugs including tobacco. So if you have never cleansed after using drugs, alcohol, tobacco or simply from the toxins in our foods and water today, it would be advisable that you take an Epson Salts bath once a week for a while. There may be a light color to the bath water for a while but that will clear once you have cleansed your skin. There is no harm in using Epson Salts except to over use it by taking too many baths in one day or in one week. That is why I advise only one a week. What this will do is draw the toxins from your liver and kidney's, blood, and other organs.

For a quick refreshing pick me up, simply take a sponge bath with the hot vinegar water. This will open your pores and allow oxygen in through your skin and up to your brain through your blood. Try using our cleansing herb tea to drink while you are cleansing your skin for a safe and full cleansing experience. Once you have used the tea to cleanse internally you can boil the herbs and strain the water into your Epson Salt bath water. Then the herbs can be used as a mulch for your outside plants.

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